We’re a beach-loving, family-run organisation based in South Devon, in the UK.

We set up Less Plastic in 2015 in response to the endless tide of ocean plastic washing up on our beautiful local beaches.

We’re passionate about raising awareness of the issues caused by the ocean plastic crisis, and our aim is simple - to provide easy-to-action ocean-friendly alternatives that add up to make a BIG difference.

We offer inspiration, strategies & products to tackle ocean plastic – for individuals, businesses and organisations of all sizes.

Our consultancy services, toolkits, staff training, talks and free resources will enable you to drastically reduce your plastic waste, save money and increase sales from eco-aware customers too.

We’re also proud to run monthly beach cleans with Surfers Against Sewage, highlighting the issues caused by single-use plastic and striving for plastic free coastlines. In addition, we're working on several community projects to reduce plastic use, including a Borrow-A-Bag scheme in our home town.



Let’s join together to turn the tide on ocean plastic #UseLessPlastic

Say hello to Borrow-A-Bag

Could you launch a similar scheme to use less plastic bags in your town?

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Say hello to Borrow-A-Bag

Could you launch a similar scheme to use less plastic bags in your town?

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